Town Departments

Board of Selectmen

Sandra Cooper, Chairman

Robert Worster, Vice-Chairman

John Stedman, Selectman

The Board of Selectmen consists of three elected members. These members serve staggered three-year terms. Each year a new person is elected to serve on the board. The Selectmen, as a group, hold regularly scheduled meetings on the second and fourth Monday of each month at 6:00 PM in the Town Hall to discuss Town business. Agendas for these meetings are posted at the St. Albans Town Hall, St. Albans Post Office, Indian Lake Market, and on the Town’s website. 


The Town Manager is the Chief Administrative officer for the Town and is responsible for the day-to-day operations of town government. The Administration Staff consists of three full-time employees: Town Manager, Town Clerk, and Administrative Assistant, plus five part-time employees: Bookkeeper, Code Enforcement Officer, Plumbing Inspector, Tax Assessor and Custodian.

Contact Information

  • Location: 7 Water Street, St. Albans, ME 04971
  • Phone: (207) 938-4568
  • Fax: (207) 938-3413

The Town Office is closed on the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, President’s Day, Patriot’s Day, Memorial Day, Juneteenth, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, Thanksgiving Friday, and Christmas.

Town Manager - Hayley Lancaster

One of the Town Manager’s duties is to be an advocate for the residents of St. Albans to the Board of Selectmen; as well as relaying information from the Board. The Town Manager also creates the budget for the residents to vote on during the annual Town Meeting. Hayley is always available to lend an ear for any concerns that may arise in the community and find resolutions. The Town Manager’s door is always open!

Assessor’s Agent - RCS Assessment

The Assessor’s Agent has office hours throughout the month. Please contact the Town Office for the dates when RCS Assessment will be in the office. Town Office, 7 Water Street, St. Albans, ME.

Please call: 207-938-4568 to schedule an appointment

Town Clerk - Judy Turner

The Town Clerk’s role began when St. Albans incorporated in 1813. It is the Clerk’s goal to help make the democratic processes of the town work smoothly in hopes that a well-informed citizenry can participate in the day-to-day operations of their local government.

The Town Clerk is responsible for elections, vital records and the licensing of dogs. They serve as the information center by making available the records of local government (ordinances, meeting minutes, legal documents, etc.), explaining procedures, distributing published materials and answering questions pertaining to municipal government activities along with administering State and Local Elections for the Town of St. Albans. 

Contact information:

7 Water Street, St. Albans, ME 04971  

Phone: (207) 938-4568

Fax: (207) 938-3413

Code Enforcement - Michael Boone

Licensed Plumbing Inspector - Phil Stevens

Code Enforcement Officer:

  • Tuesday: 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
  • Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Plumbing Inspector hours are by appointment only.

It is recommended that you make an appointment with the Code Enforcement Officer before beginning any work on your home. If you are building a new structure or adding on to a current one, you must fill out a “Building Notification Application”. The fee is $5.00.

You must file a building notification with the Town of St. Albans prior to building structure 40 square feet or more.

If you are tearing down a structure, you must fill out a “Building Notification Application”. There is no charge.

You must file a “Shoreland Zoning Application” if doing work within the Shoreland Zone. It is very important that you discuss this with the Code Enforcement Officer prior to beginning work.

Call the town office at 938-4568 to set up an appointment.

Administrative Assistant - Samantha Fencer

The Administrative Assistant assists with the day-to-day operations during the absence of the Town Manager. The Administrative Assistant is also the Deputy Clerk and is able to assist with the same responsibilities as the Town Clerk.

Bookkeeper - Micki Peasley

The Bookkeeper is a part-time position whose responsibility is assisting the Treasurer with accounting functions within the office.

Fire Department - Paul Doughty

The Chief of the St. Albans Fire Department, a municipal on-call department that answers approximately 150+ calls for service each year. The department holds regular monthly meetings and trainings. The towns of St. Albans and Hartland are set up for automatic response for each other in the event of a structure fire. They also have mutual aid with the towns of Corinna, Dexter, Newport, Pittsfield, Canaan, and Harmony.

The St. Albans Fire Department is looking for volunteers to serve on our department. If your dream as a child was to be a fireman and /or you’re at least 18-years of age, this could be your chance. If you are at least 14-years old and wish to become a Jr. Fireman, then this is also an opportunity for you. Please call the Town Office to coordinate a meeting with Fire Chief Paul Doughty or one of the Fire Department officers for more information on joining the department.

Roads/Public Works - Heath (“Chip”) Wakefield

The Road Commissioner works alongside of his laborers and ensures the 64 miles of town roads are safe to travel. Residents are encouraged to contact the Town Office with any road concerns so the problem can be dealt with in a timely fashion.

Burn Permits

Burn Permits can be obtained online at

Maine Forest Service (we are in zone 7) - Maine Wildfire Danger Report. This website is a guide, at any time the town fire warden may deem the danger higher due to local weather conditions. There is a local fire danger sign on the front of the fire station that is updated daily at approximately 9am.

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